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Super foods for a nutritious diet

The health community has long praised the benefits of vitamins and nutrients derived from natural sources. For those looking to improve their health or take preventative measures, these 10 natural super foods can be incorporated into your daily diet to help support your health.

healthy foods kidneys statepoint

The obesity crisis is not a hopeless fight for Black America

From less access to quality healthcare, to the exclusion of anti-obesity medications from Medicare, and most Medicaid and general insurance coverage, our healthcare systems under-prioritizes the well-being of Black Americans. And we’ve learned from history that until we make our voices heard, this crisis will continue to be brushed aside.

obesity featured web

From fears to facts myth busters for teens: No, you will not turn into a zombie if you get the COVID-19 vaccine

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is part of a series written by Natalie J. Greene, student journalist, on how COVID-19 affected the nation’s K-12 education system. This series was made possible through a grant provided by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI). Greene's focus is on the high school athletic community.

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