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American Airlines faces intense scrutiny over customer service and discrimination allegations

American Airlines continues to suffer a string of customer service problems, including severe charges of racial discrimination, sparking worldwide condemnation and a rethinking of its operational policies. An incident on Jan. 17 involving passenger S.L. Brown, whose trip from New York’s JFK to Saint Marteen was abruptly canceled, again exposed these problems.

American Airlines N787 8 N810AN @ LHR Oct 2019

Backlash for Snoop Dogg’s Trump performance is getting louder

Some supporters are calling it “sickening,” and others are asking the question on social media how they should address this controversy. Snoop Dogg, clad in what looked like a tuxedo, performed at the first ever Crypto Ball while guests who paid upwards of $2500 a ticket wore hats exclaiming, “Make crypto great again.”

Snoop Dogg

States leading the way in racial progress ahead of MLK Day

WalletHub has released its comprehensive report on the “States That Have Made the Most Racial Progress,” evaluating 22 key indicators of equality across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including median annual household income, standardized test scores, and voter turnout.

martinlutherkingjr wc web120

Financial Literacy 101

While there isn’t one “right” way to gain financial literacy, these steps can help grow your understanding and confidence around your finances.

financial literacy business computer generic