“The Bachelor” franchise has named Tayshia Adams as the new “Bachelorette.” Adams will become the 2nd Black bachelorette in the show’s 16-year history. The newest ABC...
(StatePoint) Flu season is here, and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s even more important than usual to take steps to avoid getting sick. We definitely...
Get ready peeps! BET has announced that Tisha Campbell and Tichina Arnold will return again to host the “2020 SOUL TRAIN AWARDS.” Campbell (“Martin,” “My...
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris aren’t wasting any time when it comes to addressing the Coronavirus. Biden and Harris released a statement...
(StatePoint) Educators are among the many on the frontlines of COVID-19. During a time of immense disruption, they are quickly adapting their teaching methods, testing...