Christian talk show host Sonja Lowe shares how God and good mental health are keys to success

Talk show host, minister, and life coach are just a few of the titles held by Sonja Lowe, but she is most proud of living her truth out loud and unapologetically.
Lowe has been helping others for over 15 years as a life coach, which landed her a talk show “Couch Time With Sonja,” on the Christian cable “Now Network.” A champion of mental health and self-care, Lowe admits that the challenges she’s faced in her own life and mental health journey has not been easy.
Bayou Beat News got a chance to chat with the soon-to-be author to discuss faith, success, and becoming beautifully bare.
BB: What led you to want to be a talk show host?
Sonja: As a life coach and minister, I have always had a platform to educate and empower, but I knew that I wanted to reach more people. Having a platform to truly influence women to be their authentic selves and to have an open and honest conversation was my main focus when I decided to create my YouTube series “Couch Time With Sonja.”
BB: How did you link up with the NOW Network?
Sonja: I actually had someone who told me about it and I submitted my show and they reached out and said that they thought I would be a great fit. I was extremely blessed that my niece believed in me so much that she came on board and sponsored the entire first year, so I was able to really focus on building the show and helping our guests.
BB: What has been the hardest part about running an independent show?
Sonja: Getting guests who are transparent. We are really good at sugar-coating and wearing a mask. We have to remember that our story might help someone else. In the beginning, I was trying to make sure that my show was seen and liked by everyone, sometimes deviating from the plan that God gave me. I had to realize that whatever he calls me to is what I need to do. Nothing more and nothing less. We are on His time and we try so hard to get to the top so fast that we forget that we are on his timeline.
BB: Tell us about Beautifully Rare Cabo?
Sonja: I love hosting retreats. I have a nonprofit called “One Embrace Inc.” through One Embrace Ministries. I do women’s conferences three times a year and a conference one time a year. I had to cancel it last year due to COVID, but we are hoping to do it again this year. It started as an intimate faith-based retreat and has now grown to be a full-on experience. The concept of being “beautifully bare” is a spin-off of my upcoming book “Becoming BARE” which is an acronym for Be Authentic Real Exposed! The retreat is about teaching women to take off the mask. Take off all the extra layers that we use to cover up and dig down deep take and expose the layers one by one and know that is beautiful to be bare.
BB: What advice would you give those who are having difficulty finding their path or who may be struggling in their everyday life?
Sonja: Be true to yourself and who you are and what your purpose is. If you do that, then you will do great. I would also tell anyone to not let fear lead them. When I started writing the book I started second-guessing myself and thinking that I wasn’t enough and the book wasn’t enough. Fear stifled me. But God had a plan and I had to really “walk the walk” and become bare to be able to teach and tell my story to help others. Everything started to happen after I wrote the book and God really stripped me bare. I would also tell them to never despise where they are! It’s okay to feel every emotion because mental health is real, and when we start blocking out how it feels, that’s when it becomes unhealthy. So find that person that you can talk to and tell how you feel. Sometimes we just need a listening ear. Also, remember that you are not alone. I have been there, we have all been there. I know what it’s like to be at the bottom and not know if you can get back up. I am a living witness that it will turnaround.
BB: What other projects are you working on that we should know about?
Sonja: The book will be launch on May 25, followed by the release of my first full-length film that I produced entitled “Becoming Beth.” I also was given the opportunity to star in the film “Sincerely Judy,” which is available on YouTube. In the film, I will play a life coach and we have already received three film festival awards. We are also currently taking new life coaching clients.
For more information on Couch Time With Sonja visit: