
Kicking a smoking habit is a gift that keeps on giving. Your body will experience health benefits almost immediately and in the years to come. While quitting is often easier said than done, relying on tools and support can help. Here are a few tips to help you quit for good:

• Set a date to quit with meaning behind it.

• Anticipate the challenges associated with withdrawal symptoms and plan to potentially use smoking cessation products to meet them head-on. Though many such products are available without a prescription, talk to your provider or pharmacist first, as they can interact with other medications you take.

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• Check out programs that allow you to quit on your terms. For example, the Walgreens team can help you build a personalized plan, with free live support and healthcare clinics. Support options and additional resources are available at walgreens.com.

Finally, when it comes to this challenge, take it from those who’ve been there.

“The best way to change any habit is to really want to change. Find a support group to help. Having someone who’s going through the same thing can help you with the hurdles you may face,” says Zippy Sandler, social media influencer of Champagne Living, who turned to Walgreens to help her quit smoking. “Also, keep using smoking cessation products until you’re confident that you won’t pick up a cigarette again…ever!”